Monday, December 13, 2010

Free How To Play Poker For Beginners Lesson On How To Master The Most Important Skill In Poker

There's one skill, or maybe you could call it personality trait that sets successful poker players apart from the herd more than any other, be you a fun free poker online player or casino cash player the fact is that if you do not possess it you'll never do well, what is it then, simple - Patience.

Even the blind mouse finds the cheese sometimes, and no matter how unlucky you think you are, how many chips you have, or how many people are left in your tournament, the most important thing is that you are patient with yourself.

It's easy to do at times, you get a succession of rubbish cards, your stack shrinks, you get desperate and do crazy things like call with J5 off-suit and similar nearly zero chance hands. I can tell you I've been there many times, and it has been the death of me many more times than it has helped.

A key to success through patience is not to be patient just pre-flop, it must be all hand. Let me show an example, You draw a K (c) Q (d), and you call with 2 other people in the hand. The flop shows K(h) A(h) 8(h). This is obviously a very dangerous hand, and many times I would just fold this off the bat.

But if you're in that desperate or drained state of mind after a series of bad cards you may well get false confidence, and this will get you beat 85% of the time even though there are only 2 others in the hand.

Patience is one of the many obvious traits important to poker success. But even more so is that you are consistent with your patience! Now and again it is easy to get carried away by the moment and then you can lose all the fruits of your otherwise patient play in a moment of madness! To build this consistency try to make rules on what you are willing to call pre-flop and what you won't.

Obviously free online poker is a much different game than live, as online is much more fast-paced and live is more in-depth and slower. Despite many complaints from my peers, I like to milk out every second of my time limit for each decision. I recommend this to any competitive and casual online poker players, because it may be the difference between a bad beat and a great fold.

Many times in online free poker play you will run into, what we call "Donks". Most of the time they will have a much larger chip stack, and will win hands using brawn and bluffing. It?s important not give into his bullying, and play it slow. If you get a good flop, let him make the mistake. The classical check-raise works well, but if you move too early, your chance will be lost to cash in. "Donks" can be a great source of chips, if you be patient and play it out right.

We will all get bad beats, it's unavoidable. It happens to the best of us, and there's nothing we can do about it. What we can do, though, is play smart, take your time, and, again, be patient.

This is all very important no matter what sort of poker you play and how experienced you are, which neatly brings us to the final point. Experience. You can read all the articles, books and magazines and watch all the TV and take online courses and classes but nothing can replace or shortcut true experience, so get out there and play poker online for free if you're new to it all, build your skills and understanding and work hard to develop that crucial patience habit.

And what better place to learn patience than to play poker free at where you don't have the fear of losing money like you do at on money sites or live tables yet you can still win real cash.

Plus the NoPayPOKER blog at contains a huge pro written free poker games training series, with lessons from basic at how to play poker for beginners courses to masters level. Complete the intermediate level course at least and you will find yourself in the top 10% of online poker players worldwide.

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